Social Studies
Social Studies Curriculum
The North Carolina Social Studies curriculum is designed to ensure that our teachers prepare students to become productive and knowledgeable citizens. This implies an understanding of history, geography, government and economics, as well as common core skills such as critical thinking, reading, and writing. Understanding of key citizenship duties, rights, and responsibilities is a key focus as well.
Influences such as state Essential Standards for curriculum, the new NC Final Exams, and the semester schedule result in a tightly structured high school social studies program. Seniors will follow this curriculum sequence that began in the 2012-13 school year: World History in the ninth grade, American History I (Exploration through Reconstruction) in the 10th grade, American History II (Gilded Age to the present) in the 11th grade, and Civics and Economics in the 12th grade. Honors students in the AP path will have a slightly different sequence of courses. A variety of electives for students interested in social studies are available in the 12th grade--either in the department or online.